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When it comes to stamping important information, you want a stamp that will last for thousands of impressions. With our selection of deluxe metal inspection stamps, you get a small stamp you can carry with you on the go that still offers incredible performance for its size. Stamps are a great way to mark off inventories, show initials for ownership of work performed and other essential communication tasks that help make a business successful. With the right choice in metal inspection stamps, you can leave your mark with a clean, clear impression of vivid legibility with every use! We offer a range of deluxe metal inspection stamps to choose from for your stamping needs. We offer metal inspection stamps in a variety of sizes ranging from 3/8 to 7/8 in image area. These lightweight stamps offer thousands of impressions with their smooth, seamless operation. Our top quality "W" inspection stamps provide a precision engraved solid neoprene plug and are designed to withstand repeated use with specialty industrial marking inks. They are made to be incredibly durable and long-lasting with their polished aluminum case with brass cap or plastic cap and ergonomically engineered design. These stamps can be used with Traditional Stamp Pads (water based) or Artline Hi-Seal Industrial Stamp Pads (for non-porous surfaces). Customize with text or custom artwork at no extra charge. Stamps feature a keyhole design allowing for easy attachment to a keychain. We offer custom laser engraving on these stamps with your choice of text or artwork at no additional cost to you! Select a size and model to begin customizing today! At Rubber Stamp Champ, we are honored to be your source for all your stamping essentials with our affordable selection of high-quality stamps and stamping accessories. Our commitment to our valued customers shows through in the inventory we offer. We offer only the best brands combined with our laser engraving for performance and durability you can count on for many years. If you have any questions, a member of our team would be happy to assist you further!
Traditional Stamp Pads | Artline Industrial Stamp Pads | Stazon Stamp Pads
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